Monday, 20 August 2012

Cherry Blossom Nails :)

Doing this nail design has made me realise how good acrylic paints are for doing nail art. I could kick myself for all the times I've gone out and bought a new nail varnish to do a specific design when I could have just mixed up the colour with paints I already own!

 I saw a similar look done by Love4Nails on Youtube and I changed it a bit to get this look. It's the first time I've used acrylic paint on my nails so I don't know if it stains or does any damage, we'll see when I take it off :P I figure as long as you use a base coat and a top coat to seal in the design it can't do much harm. This is the first time in a while that my nails have been roughly all the same length, I hope I can keep it up :)